Sunday, January 4, 2015

Today's Vinyl, The Bessie Smith Story--01.04.15b

My second go round today is actually a 4 album set.
A Bessie Smith collection called "The Bessie Smith Story"

This is AWESOME! Much better than my earlier listen.
The albums came out in 1951 and contain 47 cuts ranging from 1923-33.

I think I got this at an estate sale in Las Vegas. Someone who had been an early program person at KUNV had passed away and his kids were selling all of his vinyl. I went early and they wanted all kinds of crazy money per album, went back on the last afternoon and offered something for what was left ($20 or $30 for 100+ albums). It turned out to be mostly classical with some early jazz and blues.

To be honest, I don't know that I've ever listened to all of these at once. Beautiful, beautiful music.

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